


The week before a long weekend always have a certain energy to it; though in this case it was the energy of a set of laptops actively designed to keep repairmen out, a volatile battery cascading set of transit delays that are bad, even for by NYC’s low standards. 


“In any case, it’s been a simple week of ups, downs, lefts and rights. Though I feel like there’s more that I can do, or rather more that SHOULD be doing.”

Barring these delays, this has been a surprisingly productive week. a 20 laptop shipment to India is proceeding smoothly, I finally found time to clean the office, a new laptop pickup went incredibly smoothly and the people I was able to inform some recipients in person that their cafe was selected to receive two great computers.

In any case, it’s been a simple week of ups, downs, lefts and rights. Though I feel like there’s more that I can do, or rather more that SHOULD be doing.

~ M.