
Fanta Keita

23 – Kindia

What Project Would A Laptop Help You With?

The first Kindle Library in Guinea, called Bibliotech.

Short Description Of Project

The library was started in 2013 with the help of Peace Corps and USAID. We have 5 Kindles for members of the library to come and read from a selection of over 1,000 books! We have all types of books from traditional African literature to books about entrepreneurial and business practices. Today we have more than 40 members and have started activities to encourage a culture of reading among youth.

How Would A Laptop Help You?

Currently we have to manage the Kindle library by going to a nearby Internet café. Having a computer specifically for the Bibliotech would help us to manage the Kindle library, download new books, do marketing for the library, as well as create monthly reports and keep track of data. A computer would also help us keep our Facebook page updated with the most current information. Having a computer would be a great asset to further improve our library and give us new tools to attract more members.

What Languages do you speak?

Susu, Malinke, French

Laptopped By

Stephanie Powell