
Bandana Sahai

37 – Varanasi

What Project Would A Laptop Help You With?

Providing a support system to women and girls.

Short Description Of Project

Women and girls in many areas of India are still without access to support services. When difficulties arise many women are trapped in these circumstances, either through lack of education that things can be different, no knowledge of how to get help and also strong societal attitudes that women are secondary to men.

My desire is to be able to work one-on-one with women and girls who are trapped in abusive situations and do not have a means of escape. Part of this will be crisis management – how to immediately deal with the situations they are facing – and part will be preparing the women and girls for a different future.

I will also be educating the women I work with in the life options available to them, and educating them on the role and importance of women and self-worth. It will also involve training women in home ec skills (like baking the cakes in the photo to the left) so that they may find work and independence for themselves.

What Languages do you speak?

Hindi and a little bit of English